
Monday, February 26, 2007

Marathon Interview Follow-up

I survived my morning of fun on Saturday. The first interview out of the gate was with a high-level VP/Sales guy who wanted to try to beat me up a little because of the number of jobs (5 in 9 years) on my resume. I withstood his attacks pretty well, even getting a couple of good counter-punches in. After that, the questions became easier as he was the only one who came at me all morning with a negative agenda.

Halfway through the second interview at around 8:45, I got tired and started to struggle with my fluency. I pulled myself together and was able to stay pretty much on track the rest of the morning. The last 2 interviews were done over the phone and before I knew it, the last interview ended at 11:45 and I was finished.

The next day I woke up with a very sore chest - a sign that I had been using the full breath target extensively the morning before. The Company is supposed to make a decision this week on who to offer to position too, but at this point, I am not really concerned about that. I felt like I gave it my best effort and did everything I could do. If it is meant to happen then it will, if not, then something better will come up. I learned a long time ago, that God's plan for my life is a lot better than my plan.

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