
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year!

A belated Happy New Year! Since almost being crushed to death in a crowd at Underground Atlanta on New Year's eve 1989 (hey Kurt!), I have never been a big fan of the actual New Year's "Holiday". In fact I spent most of New Year's eve and New Years day last week watching Lost season 4 on DVD.

What I like to do as the year changes is reassess my life goals and determine what actions I need to take in the next 12 months. I consider this a little bit different from resolutions. My standard life goals are as follows (in no particular order):

* Become more fluent
* Become a better father
* Become a better husband
* Continue to develop spiritually
* Increase my income 20%

The specific goals I set for the next year pretty much all relate to the above 5 life goals. For example, for fluency, I am already planning on attending a Refresher in last May. I called Dan last week and reminded him he is coming with me. I also have smaller goals that relate to that, such as working on my PFSP practice CD's at set times (usually before work meetings and on my way to Small Group).

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