
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

IPOD Shuffle

I have accepted the fact that I have lost my beloved generation one IPOD shuffle.

The last time I remember having it was during my flight home from my PFSP Refresher in early June. On the flight, there was a couple (probably in their 50's) sitting next to me, who from the moment I heard them walking down the aisle were complaining about their flying experience. It sounded like they had not flown much in the post 9-11 era. Apparently, they were expecting much more luxury from their AirTran coach ticket (which I am sure cost them less than $200).

Ordinarily, right after a Refresher, I take the opportunity to talk with anyone who will listen to me so that I can work on my speech targets. However, in this case, I wanted no part of talking with these people. Nor, did I want to hear them complain about how much nicer it was to fly in the 70's. So I quickly pulled out my IPOD and put my ear buds in and had a peaceful flight back to Atlanta.

Financially, I can replace the shuffle for very little - I believe a new generation 2 goes for less than $50. However, this IPOD was very special to me as Staci and Charlotte gave it to me for my first Father's Day a few years ago.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


As if stuttering has not always been enough of a pain in the ass, I am also coulrophobic. Coulrophobic, of course, is the fear of clowns. Everybody who knows me is well aware of issues with clowns. I won't get into my story about the girl I dated in college who I found out later was a clown, as many of my friends (and my wife) already know the story and love to remind me of it every chance they get. But, I have never gone so far as to join an anti-clown forum, or purchase merchandise which advertises my issues with clowns.

I never really knew why clowns freaked me out so much until last weekend. I was sitting in a theatre watching Health Ledger's awesome performance of the Joker in the Dark Knight and it hit me. When I was in the 1st grade, I would watch that lame 60's version of Batman starring Adam West. Cesar Romero played a very gay version of the Joker in the series. I went through a phase at that time where I would have a recurring dream that Cesar Romero's joker was holding me hostage in family's attic. Now I remember how and when my phobia of clowns started.

A few months ago, I picked Charlotte up from Waumba Land at our Church and she told me what she wanted to be when she grows up. Of course, she wants to be a clown. God has an excellent sense of humor.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Annie Glenn

Annie Glenn, wife of John Glenn, went through the program at Hollins many years ago. This is a good video of her and Senator Glenn discussing the program.